Monday, July 28, 2008

How far should I take this green thing?

As I was taking the recycling box to the curb this morning, a thought popped in my head. (Crazy huh?) I have been trying to make sure every little thing that can go in the recycles makes it there instead of the trash. It is amazing how little trash we have been accumulating over a week since I have started doing this. One change that I have been thinking of making is switching to cloth bags for grocery shopping. But here is my problem. What will I separate my recyclables in? Yeah, doesn't make much sense right?


Anonymous said...

Oh wow - I see you're a fellow overthinker. :)

I keep meaning to switch over to the cloth grocery bags as well... only problem is, I'm kind of obsessed with the paper bags from Whole Foods. Those are some quality bags! And they have handles!

Anonymous said...

Most people use plastic recycling bins that they reuse and reuse almost like recycling!

AFRo said...

I can't figure out for the life of me how in the world I can afford to buy 50 of those cloth bags to put my groceries in when I can barely afford the groceries. You know?

Kayla, Nic, Paige, Ellie and Maddy said...

I swiched to cloth bags that I boght from Target and I love them, plus at my grocery store I get back a wopping 5 cents per 10 bags a week, these suckers are almost paid for!!!

Anonymous said...

I love aldi bags. They even have cloth ones now!