I am taking little man to the doctor at 1:45. They have to give me some answers. He has been running fever since Monday along with a whole list of other issues. I am tired and need some piece of mind before the weekend. I need my little man back to his happy, eating, smiling self.
ETA: I am breathing a sigh of relief. We are now the lucky owners of a nebulizer. After 1 treatment in the office he sounded a lot better. Hoping that by tomorrow and after a few more treatments he is acting more like his old self.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
When will my children learn the real meaning of Saturday?
It has taken awhile, but I have finally come to the understanding that Saturdays just aren't days of fun and something to look forward to. Mr. B manages a grocery store. So you can imagine the Saturdays he is off are rare. This leaves me home alone with 3 kids, none of which know what sleeping late means. Which by the way should be the real meaning of a Saturday.
After trying to trying to catch a few extra minutes of sleep after little man's 6am wake up call I gave up. You see after putting little man in his exersaucer, a 4 YO come in and asking me ridiculous questions every 2.5 minutes and a 2 YO who magically ended up in my bed sometime last night taking up over half my space and kicking the covers off of me every time I pulled them back up I called it quits.
My butt has been permanently planted on the couch, getting up when no one is looking so I don't have to do anything extra when I am up. I am catching up on blogs that have been sitting in my feeder for months. Somehow I can not summon the courage to hit mark all as read. (You should feel important, I don't want to miss anything in your lives.)
This old t-shirt is covered in little man's amoxicilin, cream cheese from breakfast, a spot that I am guessing could only be poop and I am sure some spit up (because I haven't worn a shirt without spit up in the last 5 months). So as I sat here contemplating a shower or at least a change of clothes I realized I just feed little man with the last clean bottle. So as any responsible mom/housewife would I unloaded enough dishes from the dishwasher that I could cram the bottles in, added some soap and turned it on. That's right I am one big lazy slob today.
But in my quick attempts at bottle washing, I was busted. In came two girls with requests for cereal and applesauce. Apparently the handfuls of goldfish just weren't cutting it. By the way little s preceded to paint the table with her applesauce.
All of that wonderful description of my typical Saturdays to say why can't my kids just sleep late? We could have so much fun in the afternoons since we will all be well rested, right? We are never going to have excitement pack family fun on Saturdays, but we can sleep past 7am, Okay little people.
After trying to trying to catch a few extra minutes of sleep after little man's 6am wake up call I gave up. You see after putting little man in his exersaucer, a 4 YO come in and asking me ridiculous questions every 2.5 minutes and a 2 YO who magically ended up in my bed sometime last night taking up over half my space and kicking the covers off of me every time I pulled them back up I called it quits.
My butt has been permanently planted on the couch, getting up when no one is looking so I don't have to do anything extra when I am up. I am catching up on blogs that have been sitting in my feeder for months. Somehow I can not summon the courage to hit mark all as read. (You should feel important, I don't want to miss anything in your lives.)
This old t-shirt is covered in little man's amoxicilin, cream cheese from breakfast, a spot that I am guessing could only be poop and I am sure some spit up (because I haven't worn a shirt without spit up in the last 5 months). So as I sat here contemplating a shower or at least a change of clothes I realized I just feed little man with the last clean bottle. So as any responsible mom/housewife would I unloaded enough dishes from the dishwasher that I could cram the bottles in, added some soap and turned it on. That's right I am one big lazy slob today.
But in my quick attempts at bottle washing, I was busted. In came two girls with requests for cereal and applesauce. Apparently the handfuls of goldfish just weren't cutting it. By the way little s preceded to paint the table with her applesauce.
All of that wonderful description of my typical Saturdays to say why can't my kids just sleep late? We could have so much fun in the afternoons since we will all be well rested, right? We are never going to have excitement pack family fun on Saturdays, but we can sleep past 7am, Okay little people.
little man k,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Finally an Update!
Sorry it's been so long. Life has gotten in the way. Christmas totally wiped me out especially since we drug it out all the way into mid January. Add to the sickness and just the day to day stuff, I have been one busy Momma!
Little s has been battling sinus infections since November. We are on either 5 or 6 right now, I can't remember. So she is doing 20 days of antibiotic, and if this doesn't work we will be headed to an ENT. She is enrolled in the two day program at Miss L's preschool for next year. She needs some socialization. I can't blame her though. She has always had Miss L there to talk for her and to follow around.
Miss L is still loving preschool. We have been checking out schools for kindergarten. I am pretty sure we have made our final decision and will be enrolling her next month. I can't believe the time has come. It really does seem like she should still be little man's age.
Little man is not so little anymore. Although he had his clothes on yesterday at the doctor, he weighted 17 lbs 5 ozs. The girls weren't even 20lbs at their first birthdays, and he is only 5 months. We found out he had his first ear infection yesterday. I was actually surprised. You couldn't tell by how he was acting. I took him in for his cough.
Little s has been battling sinus infections since November. We are on either 5 or 6 right now, I can't remember. So she is doing 20 days of antibiotic, and if this doesn't work we will be headed to an ENT. She is enrolled in the two day program at Miss L's preschool for next year. She needs some socialization. I can't blame her though. She has always had Miss L there to talk for her and to follow around.
Miss L is still loving preschool. We have been checking out schools for kindergarten. I am pretty sure we have made our final decision and will be enrolling her next month. I can't believe the time has come. It really does seem like she should still be little man's age.
Little man is not so little anymore. Although he had his clothes on yesterday at the doctor, he weighted 17 lbs 5 ozs. The girls weren't even 20lbs at their first birthdays, and he is only 5 months. We found out he had his first ear infection yesterday. I was actually surprised. You couldn't tell by how he was acting. I took him in for his cough.
Baby Food
So I decided this time around to make my own baby food. This little blog world is starting to turn me a little crunchy. But I have to say, it is so much easier than I thought. If I can do it, anyone can do it, and it saves so much money!
As someone with not a lot of cooking experience/talent, I started out googling trying to find just where to start. I came across wholesome baby food. This site has tons of recipes, charts for different ages, when to start foods and tips for freezing. It has all the info that I needed to get started and will take me all the way through the baby food stage. One of the main reasons I was interested in making my own baby food was the idea of as he gets older I can puree food less and less until he is eating foods in their whole form. Hopefully he will continue eating and loving fruits and veggies. I know this is a huge area I have gone wrong with the girls and is probably wishful thinking when it comes to little man.
As for the cost saving aspect, take for example sweet potatoes. I purchased two regular sized sweet potatoes for $1.60. I made three single servings for the next three days and filled an entire ice cube tray which equals 16 servings. To purchase the same amount of baby food that would have cost at least $10.00. So I think that was well work the ten minutes of extra time I spent making it.
I also found tiny little containers in the dollar spot at Tar.get before little man was born. They are perfect.
ETA: So far I have made
As someone with not a lot of cooking experience/talent, I started out googling trying to find just where to start. I came across wholesome baby food. This site has tons of recipes, charts for different ages, when to start foods and tips for freezing. It has all the info that I needed to get started and will take me all the way through the baby food stage. One of the main reasons I was interested in making my own baby food was the idea of as he gets older I can puree food less and less until he is eating foods in their whole form. Hopefully he will continue eating and loving fruits and veggies. I know this is a huge area I have gone wrong with the girls and is probably wishful thinking when it comes to little man.
As for the cost saving aspect, take for example sweet potatoes. I purchased two regular sized sweet potatoes for $1.60. I made three single servings for the next three days and filled an entire ice cube tray which equals 16 servings. To purchase the same amount of baby food that would have cost at least $10.00. So I think that was well work the ten minutes of extra time I spent making it.
I also found tiny little containers in the dollar spot at Tar.get before little man was born. They are perfect.
ETA: So far I have made
- carrots
- sweet potatoes
- butternut squash
- bananas
- sweet peas
baby food,
little man k
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Two Months

Weight: 12 lbs (2lbs in 2 weeks)
Diapers:1-2 (we were given a huge box of 1-2's, but if not for those he would be in 2's already)
Clothes: In between 0-3 and 3-6
Little man is growing way too fast. It's killing me!
He is also starting to make little sounds other than fussing. He hasn't been sleeping too well during the day the last few days It is like he can't fall asleep deep enough to stay asleep for any amount of time. But last night he slept from 9pm to 4:30am. Neither of my girls did that for quite awhile. I hope this is a new trend we have started.
I did decide to do the Dr. Bob Sears' vaccine schedule. He got his first shot yesterday :( But it was only one and I can tell a complete difference between him getting just one and the girls getting 4 at a time. He is so much calmer and not as fussy as they were the day following shots. He hasn't even had a low grade temp.
little man k
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Leaves are Falling
The only upside that I can think of having the leafiest trees I have even seen are the photo opportunities I have in my front yard every year. This seems to be a tradition that I started during Miss L's first fall. As the girls are getting older, they love to make piles and jump right in.
So here is a peak at our 2009 Leaf Pictures!
fall; pictures
Friday, October 30, 2009
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