Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baby Food

So I decided this time around to make my own baby food. This little blog world is starting to turn me a little crunchy. But I have to say, it is so much easier than I thought. If I can do it, anyone can do it, and it saves so much money!

As someone with not a lot of cooking experience/talent, I started out googling trying to find just where to start. I came across wholesome baby food. This site has tons of recipes, charts for different ages, when to start foods and tips for freezing. It has all the info that I needed to get started and will take me all the way through the baby food stage. One of the main reasons I was interested in making my own baby food was the idea of as he gets older I can puree food less and less until he is eating foods in their whole form. Hopefully he will continue eating and loving fruits and veggies. I know this is a huge area I have gone wrong with the girls and is probably wishful thinking when it comes to little man.

As for the cost saving aspect, take for example sweet potatoes. I purchased two regular sized sweet potatoes for $1.60. I made three single servings for the next three days and filled an entire ice cube tray which equals 16 servings. To purchase the same amount of baby food that would have cost at least $10.00. So I think that was well work the ten minutes of extra time I spent making it.

I also found tiny little containers in the dollar spot at Tar.get before little man was born. They are perfect.

ETA: So far I have made
  • carrots
  • sweet potatoes
  • butternut squash
  • bananas
  • sweet peas


Two Lines On a Stick said...

Thanks for sharing, I am really wanting to try and make baby food for our little guy! I made a few things for Bailey (I think just carrots and apples maybe) and it wasn't too difficult. I need to get a better food processor though- we just have our regular blender. What do you use?

Lauren said...

Actually I am just using a regular blender but it has worked pretty good.